Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Back to School Survival Kit for Young Women

Back to School Survival Kit for Young Women
I found the cutes post on Pinterest for a back to school survival kit for our young women. (You can visit her site, Sassy Sites, here) I used brown paper bags and a cute bow!  I used most of the same sayings and changed some of the candies. Such a cute idea! I can’t wait to give them to our Young Women tonight. (If you would like my tags please leave me your email in a comment and I’ll send them to you! I am new to this whole blog thing and don’t know how to make them an attachment.)

M&M’s: Be a Member Missionary

Remember your great worth! 

 It's important to Laugh!

 Prayer can be a "life saver" when you need help!
 Your Young Women Leaders Love You!
 The decisions you make will effect you now and later
 Stick to your principles...even when things get hard!
 Be a "smartie" study hard!
 Just remember the cleansing principles of.. repentance
 Rely on the Holy Ghost to help you "Lick the Opposition"
 Last, I put a picture of the Savior in. I added a magnet to the back of each picture. That way the girls can hang it in their locker if they want.

I put the label on the front and tied them with cute pink, blue and purple polka dot ribbon. They turned out so cute!

 All in all these bags turned out so cute! Thank you Pinterest and Sassy Sites for the darling idea!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Young Women: Relationship With Your Mother

This week in Young Womens we are talking about our relationships with our mothers. I spoke with each girl’s mother and wrote down 4-6 positive qualities about each girl. Then, I typed it out, printed it on card stock, cut it out with cute scissors and then tacked it to a bright blue. Then I put a magnet on the back so that they can pin their list in their locker. In this world, they are constantly surrounded by the world, it’s views, it’s morals. Sometimes, it is nice to have a reminder of your individual worth!

I made two blank ones in case we had some visitors.

Then I made them another handout that said:

Love your mother. Respect her. Listen to her. Trust her. She has your best interests at heart. She cares about your eternal safety and happiness. So be kind to her. Be patient with her imperfections, for she has them. We all do.

When you are willing to listen and learn, some of life’s most meaningful teachings come from those who have gone before you. How much better your life will be if you will follow the noble example of the faithful followers of Christ.

I love my young women!!!!

Back to School Gift

Back to School Gift-

We LOVE our preschool teacher, Mrs. Kelly. She is so fun and does such great things with the kids! This year, we decided to make her a “cake” out of school supplies. We did this the super easy way! I got the original idea from
She did a much more extensive “cake.” But, like always, I wanted to keep things simple! I started with a roll of paper towels. I tied a pink bow around it. Then I lined up the glue sticks around the bottle of hand sanitizer and used one big, thick rubber band to attach the glue sticks to the bottle. Then I tied a pink bow around that. Last, I attached a key chain I ordered from that says, “teach and inspire” to the bow on the paper towels. That’s it! Ta da! Emma loved giving it to her teacher!